Elena Mirror (NSFW)

These images are from a set of with Elena aka Nausicaa model, when I worked with her at the Boardroom studios in Derby.

Camera : Fujifilm GFX50S II
Lens: Fujifilm GF110mmF2 R LM WR
1/125 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 100.

fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
The studio had a full lenght mirror which I wanted to use for a set of edgy fashion images.The lighting was a single studio flash fitted with a softbox to left handside of the model.
fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
Elena mirror series – using the mirror reflection as the focus point gave some good options for different looks to the image
fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
Elena mirror series- depending on the lens f stop selected the figure is soft in the foreground and sharp in the reflection
fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
Elena mirror series Elena styling with the full length boots works well with the leather jacket and hat
fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
looking back to the mirror gave a different look
fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
Richard Spurdens Photography – Elena mirror series
fashion photography fashion photographer - nsfw mirror reflections of model
Richard Spurdens Photography – Elena mirror series
fashion photography fashion photographer - mirror reflections of model
Richard Spurdens Photography – Elane mirror series

You can see another set from the same session with Elena here.

October 2022 Print of the Month

My pick for the October 2022 Print of the Month is entitled:

Tank light III.

The print comes from my Tank Light Portfolio

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

Hamish WJ Scott – Birmingham walk about

Model and Professional Dancer: Hamish WJ Scott
Lighting: Natural and Neo II LED light
Camera: FujiFilm GFX 50s II
Lenses: GF45mmF2.8 R WR, GF63mmF2.8 R WR, and GF110mmF2 R LM WR
Aperture: f-2.0 – f 7.2
Shutter speed: various from 1/60 -1/125 sec
ISO: 100 – 200
Outfits: Models own.

A few images from a walk-about shoot in Birmingham city center. Featuring Hamish WJ Scott a professional dancer and model from Birmingham. I have worked with Hamish a number of times in the past and you can see some of my dance images featuring him in my Dance Portfolio.

The styling theme for the shoot was a Peaky Blinder look which suited the locations we were shooting in very well. However with the temperatures in the high twenties that day. The choice of wearing a heavy jacket, cap and a tweed suite was not the easiest of tasks for the Hamish.

September 2022 Print of the Month

My pick for the September 2022 Print of the Month is entitled:

Tank Light II.

The print comes from my Tank light Project Portfolio

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

Outdoor dance with Fanny Müller and Scottish midges

dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer Fanny Muller in a white dress with red flowers patterns
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer in a white dress with red flowers patterns hanging from a tree branch
Fuji GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dancer seated in a large tree in a white dress with red flowers patterns
Fuji film GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2.5 / ISO 400
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer seated on a large outdoor table
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 400
portait photography - portrait photographer - head shot amoung the rhododendron flowers
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/60 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 1000
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer leaping across the grass in front of the castle house
GF45mmF2.8 R WR 1/125 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 800
  • Dancer: Fanny Müller
  • Lighting: Natural and Neo I LED light
  • Camera: FujiFilm GFX 50s II
  • Lens: GF45mmF2.8 R WR, GF110mmF2 R LM WR
  • Aperture: f-2.0 – f 2.8
  • Shutter speed: various from 1/60 -1/125 sec
  • ISO: 100 – 1000
  • Outfits: Models own

Here are a few selected images from a trip to Scotland. These image feature the actress, dancer and model Fanny Müller. I have been fortunate to have worked with Fanny a number of times in the past. She is also an Aerial artist, so she features in my Aerial portfolio.

These were all shot in the evening in the castle grounds, as the sun was starting to set. As Fanny is a dancer we went for some dance themed images. So movement pointe shoes and leaps all featured during the session. The whole time outside was challenging as with no wind the Scottish midges out in their thousands. Which made it difficult for the dancer and photographer. But we captured some good images at the location.

July 2022 print of the Month

My pick for the July 2022 Print of the Month is entitled:

Tank Light and reflections.

The print comes from my Tank light Project Portfolio

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

underwater photography - water tank photography

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

June 2022 Print of the Month

My pick for the June 2022 Print of the Month is entitled:

Back bends in the corner light.

The print comes from my Female Form Portfolio

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

artistic nude photography- artistic nude photographer - model making a back bend against the wall curve

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

May 2022 Print of the Month

My pick for the May 2022 Print of the Month is entitled:

A moment of levitaion.

The print comes from my Dance Portfolio

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - monochrome image featureing dancer hamish using a cane to jump into the air and hold a charile chaplin pose

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

April 2022 Print of the Month

My pick for the April 2022 Print of the Month is entitled:

Erica M on pointe dance moves I.

The print comes from my Dance Portfolioo

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

Dance Photography- Dance Photographer - dancer Erica M on a single pointe holding a dynamic dance shape

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

March 2022 Print of the Month

My pick for the March 2022 print of the month is entitled:

A simple point of the foot.

The print comes from my Body Lines Portfolio

The images chosen for this series of print offerings are pure, with no or almost no manipulation being done other than when needed, some clean up has been undertaken, other wise they are exactly the way fine art photography should be.

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase a copy of this print please click here which should take you to my shop page. 

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