Nicky Phillips – (NSFW)
Having just arranged another shoot with the model Nicky Phillips. I realized that I had some images from the my last shoot with Nicky that had not made it on to one of the portfolio pages. So decided to share them in this post. They featured some natural light head shots, and finish with images shot using the studio lighting.
The images below are the Natural light headshots, just using the window light coming in from the righthand side.

The following image was set up and shot using my studio lights. This setup was a single studio light fitted with a rectanglar stirp box to the left handside of the model.
I also chose to toned it in Photoshop.

The last three images where all shot using three studio lights. Two behind the model to give rim lighting and a one to the front and the left hand side of the model to light the figure. I think this suited the outfit of the white jeans and black jacket.

So looking forward to working with Nicky again later this month.