Marco – Flight Club fashion

The images in this post feature the male fashion model; Marco. They were all shot on location at the Gatwick Aviation museum. A cool location, which to give some opportunities to use some creative light ing set up’s and get some very different backgrounds. High altitude planes with high fashion looks.

The lighting setup used a mixture of Rotolight AEOS 2 Pro and Neo 3 Pro.


fashion photography- fashion photograper - featuring model Macro

fashion photography fashion photographer - male model wearing a white pin strip suit posing amoung military aircraft.

fashion photography fashion photographer - male model Marco wearing a white pin strip suit and shot with a half prism to produce a multiple look

Styling: Naomi @ The Creativity Hub events

Model: Marco.

Camera : Fuji Film Model: GFX 50S
Lens : GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR
Shutter speed: 1/60 – 1/80 sec
Aperture: f- 4.0 – f 6.4
ISO – 640

You can view more of my fashion image by clicking here to take you to my fashion portfolio

Georgie – Lighting with mirrors (NSFW)

This series of images are from a studio shoot with Uk model Georgie Brown. Georgie was in the area and so we arranged to work together at Silkwood Studios. The setup was lit by using a constant light source pointing into mirrors which is then reflected back on to the background wall. For this setup I was using three stand alone mirrors. This is a cool lighting set up as you can change the light pattern shapes and shadows by moving and angling the mirrors. It also gives you two sets of shadows which is different. A works well to produce a different look in the images,

fashion photography fashion photographer - lighting with mirrors model wearing a black hat, bra, pants and holdup

fashion photography fashion photographer - model wearing a black hat, bra, pants and holdup

fashion photography fashion photographer - model wearing a black hat, bra, pants and holdup

fashion photography fashion photographer - lighting with mirrors model wearing a black hat, bra, pants and holdups

Camera Model: Fujifilm GFX50S II
Camera Lens: GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR GF110mmF2 R LM WR
Shutter speed: 1/50 sec
Aperture: f- 4.0
ISO: 1000

Lighting: Arri contant light – 3 plastic mirrors

Styling: Bra, Knickers, holdups and hat – models own.

Model: Georgia Brown website

You can see another use this type of lighting set up using the mirrors at this blog post

Crystal fashion fun

These images are from a studio shoot with UK model Crystal. I was in the Somerset area and had a model booked who unfortunatly then had to cancel at short notice due to illness. Fortunately the studio owner recommend I contact Crystal. She was available and as it was very short notice we didn’t have time to plan a theme for the shoot. We decided to go with a fun theme, hence the title Crystal fashion fun. The Images were all shot at Rawpics Studio

Crystal was great to work with and we had some good fun creating a range of differnet looks, using different light set ups.

As you can see from the images below

So thanks to Crystal for standing in and creating some good strong images.

fashion photography - fashion photographer - Crystal fashion fun

dance photographer - dance photography -dancing and jumping to music

fashion photography - fashion photographer - Crystal fashion fun model wearing leather jacket and torn jeans wide leg squat

fashion photography - fashion photographer - Crystal fashion fun model wearing leather jacket and torn jeans posing on white stool

fashion photography - fashion photographer -Crystal fashion fun model wear dungrees posing on a oil drum, with industrial wheels in the background

fashion photography - fashion photographer - Crystal fashion fun model wear dungrees posing on a oil drum, with industrial wheels in the background

fashion photography fashion photographer - holly wood lighting model poseing next to an old studio light
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion looks

Camera Model: Fujifilm GFX50S II
Camera Lens: GF110mmF2 R LM WR
Shutter speed: 1/125 sec
Aperture: f- 6.4, 5.6, 5.0, 4.0
ISO: 100

Model: wedsite: UKCrystal
Outfits: Models own.

Hope you liked the selected images from the Crystal fashion fun session. If you want to see more of my fashion images this link will take you to my fashion portfolio.

Caitlyn Studio Session

These image are from a recent studio session with Caitlyn. She was in the area and so we arranged to work together at my local studio Silkwood. Caitlyn likes to shoot a range of images and she had brought along some summer outfits. So we chose some of these for a set of fashion images.

fashion photography fashion photographer - Caitlyn studio session
1/125 sec @ f-7.1 / ISO 100
fashion photography fashion photographer  model wearing linen summer trousers and top with black bra.
1/125 sec @ f-6.4 / ISO 100
fashion photography fashion photographer - Caitlyn studio session -  model wearing linen summer trousers and top seated in an arm chair
1/125 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 100
fashion photography fashion photographer - model seated sideways on a stool look across her shoulder to the camera
1/125 sec @ f-6.4 / ISO 100
fashion photography, fashion photographer model wearing linen summer trousers and black body topstanding between two pillars
1/125 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 100
fashion photography fashion photographer model wearing a body and looking over her shoulder towards the camera
1/125 sec @ f-6.4 / ISO 100
fashion photography fashion photographer - image of model wearing a body with straps arms at angles to frame her figure
1/125 sec @ f-6.4 / ISO 100

Camera Model: Fujifilm GFX50S II
Camera Lens: GF110mmF2 R LM WR
Shutter speed: 1/125 sec
Aperture: f-7.1, 6.4, 5.6
ISO: 100

Model: wedsite: Caitlyn
Outfits: Models own.

Hope you liked the selected images from the Caitlyn Studio session. If you want to see more of my fashion images this link will take you to my fashion portfolio.

Ashleigh Ray Warehouse fashion

I was visiting Brimingham and managed to arrange a studio session with model Ashleigh Ray at the Lampworks Studios. I have worked with Ashleigh Ray before when I was last in that area. So it was good to get to work with her again as she is an expressive model. The location was interesting as it was an old warehouse in the center of the jewelley quarter in Birmingham. Lots of grime and bare brick walls to work against. As we had choosen to do a fashion style shoot I decided to use hard light. As I wanted hard edge shadows against the bricks and grime of the location.

fashion photography fashion photographer - model ahsleigh ray lounging on a chair wearing a bright yellow mac and black skirt and top

fashion photography fashion photographer - model seated on a directors chais stretching her long legs to show off the high heeled shoes
1/125 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 125

fashion photography fashion photographer - model standing and reaching up with her arms either side of a alcove in the wall

fashion photography fashion photographer - model seated on a directors chais stretching her long legs to show off the high heeled shoes
1/125 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 125
fashion photography fashion photographer - model leaning against a large ladder stretching up with her hand to the top

fashion photography fashion photographer - model poseing on the edge of a settee wearing blue demin jeans and demin top stretch her leg out.

fashion photography fashion photographer - model sitting on the edge of a settee wearing blue demin jeans and demin top stretch her legs toward to lhs of the image

fashion photography fashion photographer -

fashion photography fashion photographer - model ahsleigh ray natural light shot of model leaning against a wall look towards the camera
Lens: GF110mm F2 R LM WR 1/200 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 100

You can see more of fashion style image in this portfolio

Model: is a Telford based model her info is at this location.

Camera Model: Fujifilm GFX50S II
Camera Lens: GF110mmF2 R LM WR, GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR
Shutter speed: 1/125 sec
Aperture: f-8
ISO: 100

Yoo Yoo Moods

During a visit to my area by the London based model Yoo Yoo. I arranged to work with the Yohoi in my local studio in Cleckheaton. We created a range of fashion and portrait images using a mixture of studio flash and natural light. I also used some mirrors to create some interesting wall patterns with an arri constant light. (Image III). You can see more of my fashion work in this portfolio.

fashion photography fashion photographer -

1/125 sec @ f-4 / ISO 50

portrait photography portrait photographer - subject looking back over her shoulder holding a japanese fan

1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100

fashion photography fashion photographer - model posing against a white wall wearing a patterned kimono

1/60 sec @ f-4.5 / ISO 800

fashion photography fashion photographer - model standing in a doorway with long white wig and wearing a black bikini

Camera Model: Fujifilm GFX50S II
Camera Lens: GF110mmF2 R LM WR
Shutter speed: 1/100 sec @ f-2.8
Aperture: f-2.8
ISO: 100

Hamish WJ Scott – Birmingham walk about

Model and Professional Dancer: Hamish WJ Scott
Lighting: Natural and Neo II LED light
Camera: FujiFilm GFX 50s II
Lenses: GF45mmF2.8 R WR, GF63mmF2.8 R WR, and GF110mmF2 R LM WR
Aperture: f-2.0 – f 7.2
Shutter speed: various from 1/60 -1/125 sec
ISO: 100 – 200
Outfits: Models own.

A few images from a walk-about shoot in Birmingham city center. Featuring Hamish WJ Scott a professional dancer and model from Birmingham. I have worked with Hamish a number of times in the past and you can see some of my dance images featuring him in my Dance Portfolio.

The styling theme for the shoot was a Peaky Blinder look which suited the locations we were shooting in very well. However with the temperatures in the high twenties that day. The choice of wearing a heavy jacket, cap and a tweed suite was not the easiest of tasks for the Hamish.

Nausicaa – fishnets and leather

A chance came up to work with Nausicaa at the Boardroom studio in Derby. A cool studio location to work in.

Elena aka Nausicaa is based in Central London so when I spotted that she was going to be in Derby, I arranged to work with her. We had a productive shoot and below are a set of images from the first setup.

The lighting set up I chose was a single constant light which I reflected back towards the model with three mirrors. Which gave interesting light pattern shadows behind the model.

As I was shooting in monochrome. The styling of this set Elena chose the fishnets and a black body to go with the leather jacket. Hence the title fishnets and leather.

  • Camera : Fujifilm GFX 50S II
  • Lens: Fujifilm GF110mmF2 R LM WR
  • Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec,
  • Aperture: f-2.8 / ISO 400,
  • Lighting – reflected light

20 in 2020

2020 a challenging year

Well, what a different and challenging year 2020 has been.

None of us have been unaffected in some way by this global pandemic. Little did we know what was coming in the early part of the year. Shoots and travel were booked and then slowly they were all cancelled as the lockdown came into being across the world.

For all creatives this has been an incredibly challenging time.

Fortunately some enterprising people saw an opportunity to use technology and the web to enable remote shooting and thus image making could take place. With me at home and the models in another part of the world, this was a way to keep producing images during the periods of lockdown.

This certainly enabled me to work with creatives in other countries which would not have been possible in normal times. A few of the images selected here were shot remotely with models/dancers as far away as Denmark. When the restrictions eased mid year, some social distance studio work did take place.

I think I have learnt a little bit about myself during this time. I am more interested in the engagement with people and creatives, then the popularity of my photographs. If people like my work then that is fine, but I am not interested in creating images to be popular.

That would compromise my creativity and my style of image making. I have certainly found a calmness in creating images that I like and not being driven to follow the trend to be popular.

As is often said “Art mirrors life” and aesthetic output reflects on us as people. The twenty images I have selected here are ones where I felt strong connections with the creatives I was working with and reflect my style and values.

Thanks to all the creatives I managed to work with this year and lets hope that 2021 brings a return to a more normal artistic environment. 

fashion photography - fashion photographer -model in her leather jacket leaning against the wall looking at the viewer

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model in her leather jacket looking directly into the camera

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model seated on a chair wearing a black body and black unlaced walking boots

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model laying back on a chair wearing a black body and black unlaced walking boots

Dance Photographer - Dance photography -dancers poppyseed and jasmin who is holding a handstand with her legs at ninety degress and the second is holding her in balance

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dancers poppyseed and jasmin one laying on her back holding the other on her feet above her

Dance Photographer - Dance Photography - monochrome image of dancer Elesha in mid air with front leg bent at ninty degrees and the back leg pointing down her left arm is pointing straight to the right of the image

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model wearing torn jeans caught in mid air pointing out to the side of the her body

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer -model wearing torn jeans doing a leg kick towards the camera

Dance Photographer - Dance Photography - dancer her front leg bent and held on poinet

Dance Photographer - Dance Photography - dancer on a single pointe and has her backleg up and angled

Aerial Arts photographer - Aerial hoop photographer - Aerial Arts photography - Aerial hoop photography - aerialist sitting inside her aerial hoop holding position with feet and back

Aerial Arts photographer - Aerial hoop photographer - Aerial Arts photography - Aerial hoop photography - aerialist hanging from her hoop with her kness as the anchore

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model seated side on looking to her left into the light with her jumper off her shoulder.

Portait Photography - Portrait Photographer - head and shoulders shot with model wear a spiky necklesss

Portait Photography - Portrait Photographer - head shot from the remote shoot with Zoi

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model wearing a black leather skirt with attitude

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dancer making shapes against the wall lit from the side

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dancer making shapes against the wall lit from the side

Models/ Dancers: Carla Monaco, Riona Neve, Poppyseed Dancer & Jasmin, Elesha Eden, Natalia, BOou, Ariel Taylor, Amie Boulton, Zoi, Erica Mulkern.

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