A year in review -2014
It is always difficult to review a year (in terms of photography that is) as you always seem to be planning ahead for the next shoot. So perhaps taking the time to review what you have done in the past year is worth doing, at least in the terms of showing some of the images I created over 2014.
I have worked with a number of new models this year. In January, I had the pleaure to meet and work with Lulu Lockhart, this turned out to be the first of 3 shoots we had together during the year, so I guess I liked working with her. Others I had the pleasure of meeting and working with included Natasha-J-Bella, Anna Rose, Faith Obae, Christen Rock and finally Elle Beth.
I also did more location shoots this year with an Urban ballet themed shoot with Kayleigh Lush in Saltaire and a woodland shoot with Faith Obae.
On the FIAP salon trail, it was another good year for my images with two real highlights – the first being a Gold medal at the Feldkrich salon in the Trierenburg Super Salon, which resulted in an invitation to the Gala dinner in Linz in October to collect this. It certainly was a great evening with the chance to met fellow photograhers and enjoy their work and company. Tim Pile and Brian Hopper were also there so it was good to catch up with Tim and meet Brian for the first time, plus other fellow award winners from around the globe.
The second highlight was being lucky enough to be awarded another Medal in the London Salon year.
On a visit to Belfast in mid October for a few days I managed to meet up with Ross McKelver and we found time to do shoot with Christen Rock at Ross’ studio in Belfast (Catch Light Studios).
A visit to Iceland in late September/early October for 10 days of landscape photography with Daniel Bergman – high winds, rain, snow and some fine landscape views to photograph made it well worth the trip. I will certainly look at returning.
On the judging front I enjoyed judging the work entered into the Yorkshire International Salon of Photography, with fellow judges Margaret Salisbury and Ray Brammall – a good choice of weekend – two days before before Christmas!
I finished the year with a publication in Sensual Photography book No3 – so its not been a bad year overall!
So here are some image from the year:
Richard Spurdens Photography – Holly red dress Richard Spurdens Photography – Anna Rose Richard Spurdens Photography – urban ballet 2 Floating on air Richard Spurdens Photography – Red flame 10 Fingers Stretching in the light Richard Spurdens Photography – Rock arch Iceland Richard Spurdens Photography – Jump