More Dragon Boat racing

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For the forth year the Bradford Dragon boat festival was held on the river Aire at Roberts Park Saltair. It is the only three day festival for Dragon boat racing in the country.  I have covered it of the last few years.  as it is a good opportunity to get some different type of sports action images. It can give you some good colourful images too.

Over the  last few events I have taken a number of approaches to photographing the Dragon boat racing. If you want the standard freeze the action shot then a high shutter speed does the job.  However for me the approach I really perfer is using a show shutter speed together with a panning action to get the background blurred.

I usually start with my shutter speed set at around 1/30 sec ( but it can vary downwards to get the really blurred colourful shapes). I also add an on- camera flash unit, with the output dialled down. (-1 is a good starting point ). But  check the images to make sure that you can’t tell that there is a flash being used. This helps to freeze the water droplets spray that you get from the paddlers paddles as they work to propel the boat forward.

Show here a few of the images from this years event:

sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed in this one the boats are all very close in the reave and there is lots of effort going into the paddling by all the crews
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-13 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed all the paddlers in the shot have they paddles synch and all pulling the water together
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-14 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, slow shutter speed was used to give an abstract effect with a flash firing to captured the water spray droplets
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-14 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed an on camera flash fired and froze the water droplets as all the crew reach forward to pull the paddle back towards them
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-14 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed in this image on the paddlers has spotted the camera and is looking at it a smiling as they power past
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-16 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed and in this image a feeling of really speed as all the paddles have the paddle at the top of the stroke and they arms are all up in the air
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-18 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, slow shutter speed was used to help capture the feel of movement and speed in the image a male crew are all at the same point in the stroke with all their hands at the same point along the side of the boat
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-16 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed and a on camera flash was used to spot the water splashes as they paddle hard
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-10 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed anone camera flash has captured all the water splash making it slightly more abstract type sports image
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-10 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed the on camera flash has frozen the water splash from the effort the paddlers are puttting in to power the boat foreard
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-10 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed which really comes out in the shot
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-14 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used together with panning to give a feel of the speed the colours the team in the front boat of this image are blue and red and stand out, as they paddle hard past me
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-11 / ISO 100
sport photography - sport photographer -colour image of dragon boat racing on the river aire at roberts park saltaire, a slow shutter speed was used to give an abstract effect and feel of speed
Richard Spurdens Photography – Dragon boat racing series – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM

Elle Beth and Gem duo shoot (NSFW)

Here are the results of a recent duo shoot with the models Elle Beth and Gemma H. They were all shot at my studio space using studio lighting. I have worked with both of these models in the past  but not together.  So when a chance came up to do a duo shoot with them. I thought it would be different and worth arranging for them to visit. Images I had seen of them working as a duo showed they had a good understanding of posing together.

For the Artistic nude set of duo images I chose to use a two light set up. The lights were fitted with a Rectangular Softbox approx 50x130cm, a diffusor  and an egg crated grid to make the light very directional. The main light was to the Left hand side (LHS) slightly in front of the models. The second light was to the RHS and set to a stop lower than the main light.

Shoot: Duo shoot
Instructions: To create good duo shapes using posing blocks; the floor; and standing.
Lighting: Elinchrom BRX 500 studio lights
Models: Elle Beth and Gemme
Styling & MUA : Elle Beth and Gemme

Here are our results…

artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - monochrome image of two artistic nude seated on white posing blocks one is sat sideways with her legs bent at the knees to make a triangle shape, the other how is slightly higher on the blocks at is arching her figure to the side with her legs crossed at her feet, they are both reaching up towards the light that is coming in from the lhs,
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nudes duo series – Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM

The two images above have all been processed in Photoshop converted to monochrome and then toned.

artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - toned monochrome artistic nude study with tow models sat together on a white posing block their legs are both angled at the knee to form triangle shapes the front model has her arm on her head and the other goes out to her side above the second models knee the second model hands are on the front model shoulders and the side light is make good highlights and shadow arcoss their figures
Richard Spurdens Photography – Duo shoot series – Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM
Fine Art nude Photography - Fne Art Nude Photographer - january 2012 print of the month Image of elle beth and Gem using posing block to make artistic nude shapes as a duo pair using the floor
Richard Spurdens Photography – Duo shoot series – Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM

The image below I left as a straight monochrome as I thought it suited the strong pose from Elle beth better.

Artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - monochrome image of artistic nude models elle beth and Gem working as a duo pair with elle B on tip toes and gem behind wearing a floaty dress the side lighting is highlighting elle beth figure with gem slight further back with the light picking up the edge of her dress
Richard Spurdens Photography – Duo shoot series – Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM

The duo portrait image was lit with studio flash in front of which I had placed a scrim to give some nice soft lighting  I wanted a natural messy hair look and the models just had foundation and some lip gloss added.

Portrait Photography - Portrait Photographer - colour portrait of the two models both wearing the same shear tops the are leaning close together and are both looking into the lens the red lips and ginger and auburn hair colours stand out well against the textures blue background
Richard Spurdens Photography – Studio Session with Elle and Gem at Arden House Studio, …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM

Walter’s Wardrode October event

The final Walter’s Wardrode event of 2018 took place in a great location in the heart of Warwickshire. As usual with the Walter’s Wardrobe events it had a styled theme which for the event was theme around In-Bloom. 

Shoot: In Bloom 
Models: Lauren Rose McGee, Jaye Hicks, Olivia Harriet, Leela Tikadar.
Dress Designer: Rosie Red Corsetry and Couture and Bowen-Dryden.
Styling: Jen Brook
Creative set Design: Donna Graham.
Lighting: Available light and Elinchrom Quadra lights
MUA: Livvy Morewood and Sarah Grey.
Headpieces: CC Millnery Creations.

I have being luck enough to attend a few Walter’s wardrobe events in the past few years. The first one was at an old mill complex near Chorley, you can see the images here

Below are a selection of some of the images I shot at the event. They were shot at various location in and outside the venue. Some were shot using natural light others a balance of flash and natural light.

A few Images

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image featuring model Jaye Hicks, at walter's wardrobe event
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/125 sec @ f-4 / ISO 200
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - an interior shot of the model wearing a white trouser suit and floral head piece in the white stair way
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion images from a Walter’s Wardrobe location shoot at Ragley Hall Stylist: Jen Brook Production: Walter’s Wardrobe …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM 1/80 sec @ f-4 / ISO 320
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image showing model Jaye Hicks jumping the floral moon
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM 1/125 sec @ f-6.3 / ISO 100

These first three image feature the model: Jaye Hicks wearing Designer: Bowen-Dryden outfit, Stylist: Jen Brook,  MUA: Sarah Gray, Headpiece: CC Millinery Creations, Set Design: Donna Graham, Production: Walter’s Wardrobe Events

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image showing model Olivia Harriet and the floral umbrella
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/200 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 100
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image showing the floral head dress and floral mushrooms
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM 1/60 sec @ f-6.3 / ISO 400

Designer: Bowen-Dryden, Stylist: Jen Brook, Model: Olivia Harriet, MUA: Livvy Morewood, Headpiece: CC Millinery Creations, Set Design: Donna Graham, Production: Walter’s Wardrobe Events

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image of model Lauran Rose McGee in the garden at the walter's wardrobe event
Richard Spurdens Photography – location fashion shoot – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/125 sec @ f-11 / ISO 100
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - a head shot of the model wear a floral head piece.
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion images from a Walter’s Wardrobe location shoot at Ragley Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/80 sec @ f-4.5 / ISO 100

Designer: Bowen-Dryden, Stylist: Jen Brook, Model: Lauren Rose McGee, MUA: Livvy Morewood, Headpiece: CC Millinery Creations, Set Design: Donna Graham, Production: Walter’s Wardrobe Events

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image featureing the model Leela Tikadar at the walter's wardrobe event
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/125 sec @ f-8 / ISO 100

Designer: Rosie Red Corestry and Couturee, Stylist: Jen Brook, Model: Leela Tikadar MUA: Sarah Grey, Headpiece: CC Millinery Creations, Set Design: Donna Graham, Production: Walter’s Wardrobe Events

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - image showing the four models from the walter's wardrobe event
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/250 sec @ f-8 / ISO 100
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - Image showing the four models from the walter's wardrobe event and jen brook and Donna graham photo bombing them
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/2500 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 100

Like the timing of the last one featuring a photo bomb by Jen and Donna for the final shot of the day.

Light patterns (NSFW)

From time to time you find a location which has good natural light through out the day. Which on the right day can give you changing light patterns on the walls and floor which can help you create unique images.

One such location is the natural light spaces  studio in Weedon Bec, which has windows on all sides. This gives you the opportunity to use the window frame light patterns which can be created when the sun comes out at the right time. Casting the window pattern on to the floor and create images which are unique.

Here are a couple of images showing those light patterns on the floor they features the Artistic Nude model Elle Beth.

What caught my eye was the models figure shapes in the pool of light. The shadows and light patterns that the window light was creating and the great floor textures.

Shoot: Artistic nude shoot
Model: Elle Beth
Lighting: Available light
Camera: Canon 5D Mk IV fitted with a Sigma 35mm Art lens

artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography -a tonned monochrome figure study of the model lying on the floor in the shadows and light cast by the sun coming throught the window
Richard Spurdens Photography – Studio Session with Elle Beth at The Natural light Studio, on August 042017. …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: 35mm
artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - toned monochrome image of artistic nude model elle beth making shapes on a wooden textured floor and showing the natural light patterns and
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude series

I used my Sigma Art 35mm lens, selecting a high view point to get Elle in the pool of light on the floor but also include the shadow patterns that were forming a sort of triangle in the distance. Which anchored your eye into the picture.  I converted the image to mono using Niks Silver Efex Pro. Selecting the film type Agfa APX Pro 100. This seem to bring out the floor textures well. I like to tone my monochrome images so this has toning applied in Photoshop.

Printed on Fotospeed Platinum gloss WT paper it looks as a great print.

Nicky Phillips – (NSFW)

Having just arranged another shoot with the model Nicky Phillips. I realized that I had some images from the my last shoot with Nicky that had not made it on to one of the portfolio pages.  So decided to share them in this post. They featured some natural light head shots, and finish with images shot using the studio lighting.

The images below are the Natural light headshots, just using the window light coming in from the righthand side.

portrait photography - portrait photographer -a natural light image head shot of the model nicky she looking at the lens and her arms are resting on her knees
Richard Spurdens Photography – portrait session – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/60sec @ F 2.8
portrait photography - portrait photographer -a natural light image head shot of the model nicky she has her arms behind her head and is looking sideways into the lens
Richard Spurdens Photography – portrait session – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/60sec @ F 2.8
portrait photography - portrait photographer -a natural light image head shot of the model nicky she is wearing a textured off white top and is sat looking directly into the camera
Richard Spurdens Photography – portrait session – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/60sec @ F 2.8

The following image was set up and shot using my studio lights. This setup was a single studio light fitted with a rectanglar stirp box to the left handside of the model.

I also chose to toned it in Photoshop.

portrait photography - portrait photographer -a toned monochrome image head shot of the model nicky she is look across her shoulder and into the lens the lighting focused on her face and is producing some nice soft shadows
Richard Spurdens Photography – portrait session – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/125sec @ F 6.3

The last three images where all shot using three studio lights. Two behind the model to give rim lighting and a one to the front and the left hand side of the model to light the figure. I think this suited the outfit of the white jeans and black jacket.

fashion photographer - fashion photography - monochrome image the model wearing white jeans and a suede jacket off her shoulders her breasts are free and one arm is held up to top her lips
Richard Spurdens Photography – edgy fashion series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/125sec @ F 6.3
fashion photographer - fashion photography - monochrome image the model wearing white jeans and a suede jacket off her shoulder and across her middle she is turned side ways with her head turned to look back at the camera
Richard Spurdens Photography – edgy fashion series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/125sec @ F 6.3
fashion photographer - fashion photography - monochrome image the model wearing white jeans and a suede jacket which is draped over her shoulder her breast are free and she is looking down to her lhs her right arm raised up and across the back of her head
Richard Spurdens Photography – edgy fashion series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ISO 100 ,1/125sec @ F 6.3

So looking forward to working with Nicky again later this month.

Fashion Artwise masterclass

A visit to Rome in mid February to attend a Fashion Artwise masterclass with international fine art photographer, Nicol Vizioli.  This combined a trip to Rome which was on our list of places to visit and a chance to shoot the Fashion Artwise masterclass with 3 professional models from Italy.

The venue for the shoot was one of the most prestigious villas in Rome. Villa Giovanelli.

With luxury styling by Valentina Feula, and her assistants over the weekend were Francesca Sireci and Francesca Romana Pugliese.

The Make up was undertaken by Martina Chiacchio, and the hair Luigi Gentile.
The production assistants were Vincenzo Fierro, Maria Cerullo and Federico d’Antoni.

The location:

architecture Photography - architecture Photographer - colour image of the villa giovanelli near rome.
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series Villa Giovanelli – Model: X-T2 Lens: Touit 2.8/ 12mm 1/15 sec @ f 22

Villa Giovanelli has some good rooms to work in and as I had no flash units with me all the images were shot using natural light.

The weather was fairly dull and overcast for both the days. So it was important to work the ISO setting on the camera.

The aim was to try and keep the ISO low but also ensure that the camera shutter speeds were keep at a managable level. Thus avoiding any possible movement from the models as they posed.

All the images the interior images were shoot using my trusty 3 legged thing  Brian tripod.

This Fashion Artwise Masterclass was run by the fine Art Photograher Nicol Vizioli. She was interesting to listen to and had a good eye for setting up her shots.

The theme for the shoot was fine art portraiture and below are few of the images from the master class.


fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at villa giovanelli near rome - the model is crouching down surrounded by hte crimpeleen skirts of the white dress she is look towards the window ltight
Richard Spurdene Photography – fashion image – fashion artwise series – Model: Fuji X-T2, Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR, 1/60sec @ f-2.8
portrait photography - portrait photographer -a natural light image head shot of the model Sara B @ fashion art wise. Silk dress: Franco Ciambella, Styling by @Valentina Feula
Richard Spurdens Photography – Sara B @ Fashion Art wise Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR ISO 250 1/30sec @ F / 2.8
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at villa giovanelli near rome - the model is lying on a yellow settee and is holding a mad hatters hat looking towards the large window which is light her
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion shoot – fashion artwise series – Model: Fuij X-T2, Lens: XF18mmF2 R, ISO 400 1/15 secs @ F /2.8
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at villa giovanelli near rome - the four models are standing be a large window each one have either a red hand or a black hand which start off in front of the first model and then move progressive closer to their lips
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion shoot image – fashion artwise series – Model: Fuji X-T2, Lens: XF56mmF1.2 R, ISO 200, 1/15 sec @ F /2.8

This last image was from the end of the second day, and the light had fallen to the point where I need to push the ISO up to a big number to keep the depth of field I wanted. At a shutter speed of  1/8th the a second I was pushing this shot.

But it turned out ok so overall I was very pleased with the result of this one.

fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at villa giovanelli near rome - the four models are standing be a large window each one have either a red hand or a black hand which start off in front of the first model and then move progressive closer to their lips
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion shoot – fashion artwise – the four models Ana, Giovanna, Sara B, Rada – Model: Fuji X-T2, Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR, ISO 3200, 1/8th secs @ F /8.0

Just a few images from the weekend, which I enjoyed, It was good to shoot with different models and have great styling and make up and hair. Thanks to Valentina and her team for a good Fashion Artwise masterclass event.

A visit to the Hayward Gallery at the Southbank Centre

The Hayward Gallery at the Southbank Centre reopened after a major refurbishment in early February, with its first major exhibition being a retrospective of the work of Andreas Gursky.

Andreas Gursky is an acclaimed German photographer, well known for his large-scale pictures, so a visit was on my list when I was last in London.

This exhibition also marks the beginning of the Hayward Gallery’s 50th anniversary year. The Gallery is nothing much to look at from the outside and the exterior architecture is often described as brutal. However, the two year refurbishment has focussed on allowing the gallery’s pyramid roof lights to bathe the spaces below in natural light, as was in the original design.

The Southbank architecture

There are some hard lines and angles in the design of the Southbank Centre buildings but this can give some good lead lines and suited mono processing using the Fuji Arcos film stimulation.

travel photography - travel photograher - images from a visit to london this one in monochrome using the lead the top of a wall to take you towards the royal festival hall and the london eye beyond it
Richard Spurdens Photography – Concrete views Royal festival hall – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/680 @ f / 5.6 ISO 200
travel photography - travel photograher - images from a visit to london a view to three tower block at are being constructed with the cranes and of strong lines running vertically and cross wise in the image - what attracted me to this image was the the vertical lines crossed by the hand rail against the darkened sky
Richard Spurdens Photography – Tower and Cranes II – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/900 @ f / 8.0 ISO 200

Lots of new tower blocks are being constructed near the Southbank Centre. I was looking to capture the feeling of the cranes towering over the rising building in the two images below.

travel photography - travel photograher - images from a visit to london this one in monochrome showing the new towers been constructed surrounded by the tower cranes reaching up to the sky
Richard Sprudens Photography – cranes and towers – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/1700 @ f / 8.0 ISO 200

The Fuji Acros film simulation plus a red filter work for this one, which made the building and cranes stand out against the dark clouds.

Gallery viewing

But the main purpose of this visit was to view the images of Gursky. It was certainly worth the visit to see his range of work and some great large scale images. His images (often taken from a high vantage point) certainly have impact.

As the gallery information says : ‘these images make use of a ‘democratic’ perspective that gives equal importance to all elements of his highly detailed scenes’.

The newly refurbished Gallery’s pyramid roof lights seemed to work well and did bathe the spaces below in natural light, which made getting a few images of people viewing the images a lot easier.

As the gallery allows photography, it also gave me the opportunity to capture some more images for my Gallery viewing projects – some of which I have included below.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images two visitors lean forward towards a large image of a landscape the angle make the image as the rest of the Image is squares and vertical lines
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood gallery Gursky series – Gallery viewing I -Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 @ f / 2.0 ISO 800
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images in this one three man standing at one image on the floor a young student sits on the floor looking at the same image but her trainers are illuminated and this makes it different image
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery Gursky series – Gallery views Gursky II -Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 @ f / 2.0 ISO 800

The illuminated shoes of the woman seated on the floor attracted me to this one.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images in this the four people adopt different viewing looks
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery viewing the Gursky images series – Gallery views Gursky III – Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/150 @ f / 2.0 ISO 800
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery all the visitor in this image are standing at different spaces in the frame no image are visible but a young lady with shoes that light up draws your attention
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery Gursky series -Gallery views Gursky VI – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/210 @ f / 2.5 ISO 1600

Often an opportunity comes along that makes a good different image – as per the couple seated below.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images in this image two visitors are sat back to back on a small bench he is reading his guide she is looking at other visitor below and behind her
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood gallery series – back to back viewing – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/125 @ f / 2.0 ISO 1600

These next three images try to show the scale of Gursky images on display, with a viewer included to help with the idea of the scale.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images in this image a visitor is stood in the front of a large image of white cloud shapes he seem to make a pleasing shape within the image
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery Gursky series – Gallery views Gursky VIII – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/220 @ f / 2.5 ISO 1600
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images, in this image a visitor wearing a brown jacket which seem to make the colours of image he is stood in front of
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery Gursky series – Gallery views Gursky XVI – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 @ f / 3.2 ISO 800
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery this visitor has a blue jumper with matches the wall colours she is viewing a large image of strips of green grass and then a large strip of water
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery Gursky series – Gallery views Gursky XV – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 @ f / 2.8 ISO 800

My favourite image of “people viewing the images” was the Rückblick (the title of which translates as ‘review’). The results are below.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images a man with a walking stick stand and views the fashion shot of the four head of state from the back sat in front of a red wall
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood gallery Gursky image series – Gallery views Gursky XVII – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/140 @ f / 2.0 ISO 800
image taken in the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images
Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/200 @ f / 2.2 ISO 1600
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to the hayward gallery focusing on the visitors viewing the Gursky images there are numerous visitors all with different and interesting poses again shoot in front of the famous shot of the four head of state from the back sat in front of a red wall.
Richard Spurdens Photography – Haywood Gallery Gursky series – Gallery views Gursky X – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/200 @ f / 2.2 ISO 1600

So the visit to the Hayward Gallery at the Southbank Centre was fruitful in terms of seeing the work of Andreas Gursky and seeing results of the refurbishment of the location. It was also good for getting some more images of my Gallery viewing project.

Certainly recommend a visit in the future.

The final image is a colourful stairway, processed using the Fuji Velvia/Vivid stimulation.

architecture photography - architecture photographer - colour image of the the bright yelllow concrete steps which you can take to the finnish rooftop sauna and bar
Richard Spurdens Photography – Yellow steps to the southbank center – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/320 @ f / 5.6 ISO 200

April Images

A selection of image taken during the month of April, hence the title April Images.

As I seem to be failing at the moment to get my Blog posts going on a regular basis, I am trying this approach of having a posts each month where I can just add image and a little text about them. I keep taking lots of images but never seem to get them into a blog post.

Lets see if I can keep adding images into the post.

image shot at bradford foster square station on a mist april morning
Model:X-E1 Lens: XF27mm F2.8
image shot at bradford foster square station on a mist april morning
Model: X-E1 Lens: XF27mm F2.8
image shot at bradford foster square station on a mist april morning
Model: X-E1 Lens: XF27mm F2.8

Spotted in Leeds

What attracted me to making these images was the lead lines on the platform and the misty red light at the end of the platform, it a long platform and seem to work using the lines to take you in towards the mist in the distance.

image showing the leeds bid team using a steam cleaner of the paving stones in the millinumn square
Model: X-E1 Lens: XF27mm F2.8

Just loved all the blues in this one

Photographing Rome at night

Photographing Rome at night was the only real option I had during a recent visit to the city.

A visit to the city of Rome had been on our list of places we wanted to visit for a while now and when the chance came up to combine it with a fashion shoot and masterclass organised by Valentina Feula, founder of Fashion Artwise Productions  we planned a short visit.

As we arrived on the Friday afternoon and given that I would be shooting all weekend at a location outside the main city centre, I decided to go out and photograph the city at night.

Photographing Rome at night gives you some different images to the normal and gives you different challenges too. You really need a tripod once the sun has set. I had my trusty travel tripod the 3 Legged Thing Brian with me so that came out to help with the longer exposure times. After sunset, the colours from the lights at the locations offer an opportunity to make some different images of some of the iconic locations available, but the exposure times drop and hand holding becomes an issue.

Going into the city centre and exploring the locations, involved taking the metro into town and choosing a station from where to explore the popular locations on foot to see what night photography was possible

travel photography - travel photographer - Image of the eculator lines on the rome metro system
Richard Spurdens Photogaphy – Rome visit series – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60sec @ f 2.0

The Spanish steps covered by the tourist crowds

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one from the spanish steps with the crowds of tourists covering the majority of the steps
Richard Spurdens Photography – rome series – the crowded Spainish steps – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60 secs @ f / 8.0

Photographing Rome at night I expected that there would be fewer people around at the popular locations, that was certainly a wrong assumption as you can see at the Spanish steps.

The side street gave a few opportunities for some street photography too. This lady was certainly not interested in anything but her phone !

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one a street image spotted on a side street a lady sitting on a chainlink fence lost in here phone (february images)
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series – a instagram moment – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mm F2R 1/125 secs @ f / 8.0

The crazy Piazza Venezia roundabout, with cars appearing to come at you from all directions yet it seems to work.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one taken a the piazza roundabout howing cars negociating the roundabout in the evening light
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series – the piazza roundabout at night – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

When the Piazza Venezia roundabout is almost free from cars you get the chance to see the impressive Monumento Nazionale building

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one across the piazza venezia roundabout showing the impressive Monumento Nazionale building lit up by the buildings lights photographing rome at night
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series – venezia roundabout with the Nazionale flood – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

Crossing the Piazza gets you up close to the Monumento Nazionale building – to its impressive and imposing statue and the carving around its base. The blue lights made this for me.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome showing the impressive Monumento Nazionale building lit up by the buildings lights photographing rome at night
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series – Monumento Nazionale building – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

A short walk took me to the Trevi Fountain square which contains the wonderful fountain and even bigger crowds considering this was around 20:00. Here I chose to include the visitors in my shots. Very difficult to exclude them really.

image from the trevi fountain square shoot around 20:00 still lots of tourists stood in front of the fountain (february images)
Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one from the trevi fountain square shoot around 20:00 still lots of tourists stood in front of the fountain
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series images – Trevi fountaino crowds I – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R.
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one from the trevi fountain square shot around 20:00 still lots of tourist and on lady is standing out as she poses for a picture in front of the great fountain.
Richard Spurdens Photography – rome visit series – Trevi fountain II – Camera Data. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one from the trevi fountain square shot around 20:00 in the bottom are three tourist one is taking a phone picture the other two are looking at the results of the self they took in the back ground is the fountain lit by the flood lights
Richard Spurdens Photography – visit to rome series – Trevi-fountain crowds-III -Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mm F2 R

A sign of the times with a very obvious police presence at this popular tourist spot, and other places too.

travel photography - travel photogarpher - image from the trevi fountain square shoot around 20:00 still lots of tourists stood in front of the fountain showing the crowds and the police keeping a watchful presence
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series – The trevi fountain and its crowds – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R
image from one of the main shopping streets showing a couple walking hand in hand against the on coming cars (februay images)
Image from a visit to Rome in Center, on February 162018. Photo: Richard Spurdens …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

Some of the side streets had good colours and the street lights gave them a different feel.

travel photography - travel photographer - image showing interesting colours of the walls in the side streets of rome shot at night and illuminated be the street lamps
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

Spotted the orange coloured windows and the arrow and then the guy went out into the middle of the road for some reason.

travel photography - travel photographer - image showing a large road lane direction arrow pointing to figure looking down the road against a large build where all the windows have an orange glow coming from them (photographing rome at night)
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series – Model: X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome shot from behind a street food seller he is selling warm chestnuts and is illuminated by his stands lights in the back ground shopper walk be with there warm coats and shopping bags
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series – ..Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one shot at night shows a set of columns illuminated by the flood lights surrounded be the modern building of rome
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series images – …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

The Rome columns and ruins gives an interesting foreground to the iconic building lit by the flood lights.

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome this one shot at night shows a set of columns illuminated by the flood lights surrounded be the modern building of rome
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome series images – illuminated collumns …….Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2, Lens: XF18mmF2 R
travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome a night shoot of the rome building lit by flood lights against the dark night sky.
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series ruins be flood light Model:X-T2, Lens: XF18mmF2 R

The orange glow from the flood lights gives this set of building a different look.

Final image for this blog is of a street artist working with spray paint to produce fantasy type art images

travel photography - travel photograher - colour image from a visit to rome shot from behind a street food seller he is selling warm chestnuts and is illuminated by his stands lights in the back ground shopper walk be with there warm coats and shopping bags
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rome visit series – ..Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R

2017 a year in review

So as 2017 comes to an end I thought it was worth taking a bit of time to reflect on this years photography.

Two of the main highlights from 2017 that spring to mind are being awarded a third London Salon medal for one of my images entered in this years (2017) London salon. Having been lucky enough to have been awarded medals at medal at previous Salons – I never thought I would get a third.

The second highlight was having an image in Great Britain entry for this years FIAP colour biennial .
I also achieved the EFIAP/Platiumn award which has been a long-term goal for me. (see below).

Studio wise, I have been busy in there and I have also done quite a number of location shoots too, which offers a different challenge to working in the controlled enviroment of a studio. I have enjoyed the challenges of working on location and learnt a few things too.

There have been chances to work with a number of new creatives again this year and I have enjoyed working with them and together we have created some great images, and also had good fun playing with different light approaches.

New creatives this year have included:

Dancers: Alexa Hilton, Charlie, Jay and Erica Mulkern.

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dance moves by alexa hilton
Richard Spurdens Photography – Alexa Hilton – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV -Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dance moves by alexa hilton
Richard Spurdens Photography – Alexa Hilton on pointe feet movement – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dance pose by dancer erica mulkern
Richard Spurdens Photography – dance photography – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dance pose by dancer erica mulkern
Richard Spurdens Photography – Erica Mulkern red top black shorts – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dance pose by dancer erica mulkern
Richard Spurdens Photography – dance photogrphy Erica Mulkern – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM

Models: Rachelle Summers, Nicole Rayner, Scarlot Rose, Pippa Doll (who is a karate expert, dancer and skate boarder too) and finally Zoi Morgan.

fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at pipewwll hall featureing designes by Jane-woolrich-design. model is seated in a red winged chair wearing a pink negligee and slip
Richard Spurdens Photography – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
portrait Photography - portrait Photographer - colour image of subject looking out to the right hand side of the frame shot using nature light she is wearing a light brown blouse which is off both shoulder and she is holding it in the middle of her chest.
Richard Spurdens Photography – Rachelle Summers – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM – 1/60 sec @ F / 14.0
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot with model wearing croped demin jeans and a striped shirt she is stood against a dark brown back ground with one arm hold the shirt coller and the other resting on the opposite leg
Richard Spurdens Photography – studio shot with model Pippa Doll – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV : EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/125 sec @ F / 8.0
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - a toned monochrome image showing the model holding a bunch of white tulips against the skin
Richard Spurdens Photography – four tulips -Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS 1/125 sec @ F / 3.2

I have also worked with a number of others from previous years including: Carla Monoco, Madame Bink, Ivory Flame, Elle Beth, Mischkan Scott and (aerialist and model) Em Theresa.

fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at pipewwll hall featureing designes by Jane-woolrich-design. model is standing by the wiindow with a rocking horse wearing brown lace negligee
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion shoot series -Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: 35mm
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image of artistic nude model sitting in profile on a small wooden stooll and her legs are raised forward to form an angle she is wearing a white hat and her arms are both reaching up to hold the hats brim. lit with a single gridded rectangular soft box
Richard Spurdens Photography – Madame Bink with white hat – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS 1/125sec @ F / 4.5
Portrait Photography - Portrait Photographer - colour portrait head shot image of a subject looking directly into the camera lit from the window light on the rhs of her.
Richard Spurdens Photography – mischkan scott hs white top Canon EOS 5D Mark IV : EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/125 sec @ F / 3.2
dance photographer - dance photography - colour image of the dancer wearign a large floaty blue dress kicking her right leg high out the the lhs of her with her arms reaching back behind her
Richard Spurdens Photography – Blue Dress moves – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – EF50mm f/1.8 II 1/125 sec @ F / 6.3
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a studio fashion shoot subject is wearing a red ball dress, shot using natural light
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion shoot – Canon EOS 5D Mark IV : EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM 1/125 sec @ F / 2.8

In terms of the FIAP distinctions trail; I was pleased to received my EFIAP/ platiumn award in June of this year, which a great achievement. So that goal was finally achieved within the 5 years I had set out for it.  As I mentioned in my last review (2016) I had really scaled back the number of exhibition I have been entering, only entering mainly prints and looking to support exhibitions that maintain a good printed exhibition catalogue. I have managed to maintain a good rate of acceptances and also have managed to pick up a few awards as well. A couple of my images have been on the front covers of the exhibition catalogue, which is always a good result for an entry into the salons.

Image that was the front cover of the Cotswold Salon 2017

artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - monochrome image the model in using a white posing box she pushing up with her arms at the back of the box and her left foot to lift herself off the box her other leg is lifted and pointed at ninty degress towards the light. which is a single side light to the right hand side of the model.
Richard Spurdens Photography -artistic nude figure study titled: A simple point of the foot – efiap platinum level image

I was also invited to be a judge for a number of national photographic exhiditions in the UK, which took up quite a few weekends in the first half of the year. As always, it was hard work but rewarding in being able to see what other photographers have been creating around the country.

I have also supported Walters Wardrobe (Jen Brook) and her couture themed shoots at some great locations. This year these have included a shoot at Western Park in Shropshire (Ruffles & Ready), which featured the designer: Mishi May, with styling by Jen Brook, Millinery: Donna Graham, and MUA: Sophie Battersby. The models included : Victoria Coutts, Jodi Lakin, Nicky Philips and Kamila Nowak.

We also returned to the vast stately home at Wentworth Woodhouse (Dance of the Decadent Dolls). This was with Designer: Rosie Red Corsetry and Couture, with styling by Jen Brook, and Millinery by Donna Graham, MUA: Sophie Battersby, Olivia Morewood, Rebecca Cordell, Sophie’s MUA/hair assistant: Rachael Doig. The Models for this event included: Ayla Rose, Ivory Flame, Jaye Yip, Rebecca Cordell.

The final shoot for this year was Sandon Hall Staffordshire, (Beauty and the Feast). This featured the designs of Katie Newsam, styling by Jen Brook, assisted by Jodi Lakin, Livvy Morewood. MUA: Sophie Battersby. Models: Amelia Mary, Katie Talyor, Charlotte Burton, Catherine Ashworth.

Images from the Walters Wardrobe shoots of 2017

colour fashion image of a model wearing a ruffle designed full wide skirt and match bodice and hat designed by Mishi May
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV – Lens: 35mm
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image of model wearing a red and gold ball gown with makeing red hat she is seated on a stone plinth in the garden room- shot on location at sandon hall, Dress Designer: Katie Newsam, Styling Jen Brook, Walter's Wardrobe Productions
Richard Spurdens Photography – Fashion shoot at Sandon Hall – Red and Gold dress – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR 1/80sec @ f / 5.6 ISO 800
colour image of the model wearing a sculpted figure huging design of designer Mishi May
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: 35mm
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from fashion shoot at sandon hall, Dress Designer: Katie Newsam, Styling Jen Brook, Walter's Wardrobe Productions, model wears full lenght purple ball gown with scalloped purple swirl running from the left shoulder down to the right foot of the dress
Richard Spurdens Photography – Fashion shoot image designer Katie Newsam – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR 1/60sec @ f / 4.0 ISO 400
pom pom dress seated on the stairs
Fuji X-T2- Lens: F18mmF2 R 1/125 sec @ F /5.6
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: 35mm
Dance Photographer - Dance photography -
Fuji X-T2 – Lens: XF18mmF2 R
Dance Photographer - Dance photography - colour image showing dancer on pointe wearing a white corset dress and to her rhs is a swam with eggs and balllons so the image is called dancing at the swans party
Richard Spurdens Photography – dance photography – Fuji X-T2 – Lens: XF35mmF1.4 R

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