Fashion Artwise masterclass
A visit to Rome in mid February to attend a Fashion Artwise masterclass with international fine art photographer, Nicol Vizioli. This combined a trip to Rome which was on our list of places to visit and a chance to shoot the Fashion Artwise masterclass with 3 professional models from Italy.
The venue for the shoot was one of the most prestigious villas in Rome. Villa Giovanelli.
With luxury styling by Valentina Feula, and her assistants over the weekend were Francesca Sireci and Francesca Romana Pugliese.
The Make up was undertaken by Martina Chiacchio, and the hair Luigi Gentile.
The production assistants were Vincenzo Fierro, Maria Cerullo and Federico d’Antoni.
The location:

Villa Giovanelli has some good rooms to work in and as I had no flash units with me all the images were shot using natural light.
The weather was fairly dull and overcast for both the days. So it was important to work the ISO setting on the camera.
The aim was to try and keep the ISO low but also ensure that the camera shutter speeds were keep at a managable level. Thus avoiding any possible movement from the models as they posed.
All the images the interior images were shoot using my trusty 3 legged thing Brian tripod.
This Fashion Artwise Masterclass was run by the fine Art Photograher Nicol Vizioli. She was interesting to listen to and had a good eye for setting up her shots.
The theme for the shoot was fine art portraiture and below are few of the images from the master class.

This last image was from the end of the second day, and the light had fallen to the point where I need to push the ISO up to a big number to keep the depth of field I wanted. At a shutter speed of 1/8th the a second I was pushing this shot.
But it turned out ok so overall I was very pleased with the result of this one.

Just a few images from the weekend, which I enjoyed, It was good to shoot with different models and have great styling and make up and hair. Thanks to Valentina and her team for a good Fashion Artwise masterclass event.