November Print of the Month

artristc nude photograher - artristc nude Phtography - november print of the month is a monochrome figure study of the model elle beth in a sandstone rock opening itled rough and smooth

My pick for the November 2019 Print of the Month is entitled: Rough and Smooth.

For this November print of the Month I chose to work up an image from a location shoot with the model Elle Beth. This was shot at a location in Warwickshire.

I have chosen the title as the model was making her strong figure shapes in a sandstone rock opening. The sand stone had lots of rough textures and the shape of the opening enabled Elle to reach to the roof and make a strong shape which also allowed her full long fair to come into play. I have tried to maintain the sandstone textures and contrast that roughness with the smoothness of the models skin.

I have worked with Elle Beth a number of times over the past few years and she is a top full time model, and can do fashion looks as well as Artistic Nude studies. Her tall frame and toned feminine figure together with her long full hair and English rose skin suited well to working in this location.

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase this Print,please use this link which takes you to my shop page. It is available in an A3 or A4 version and is printed on Fotospeed paper.

Please watch my blog for the next Print-of-the-Month announcement, which will be in early December.

October Print of the month

artristc nude photograher - artristc nude photography - print of the month for october 2019 is a monochrome image of the female form showing the curvs and shape of the back

I have been busy printing over recent days and today I have decided to start a print of the month post. The idea being that I will share with you one of my prints that I have created in that given month.

The first print for the month which for October 2019 is titled, “Back Curves” and is part of my ‘Other view series’ to be published in the near future.

It features the UK model – Ivory Flame and is from a studio session with the her. I have worked with Ivory Flame many times over the last few years and always enjoy working with her as we always seem to create great images. If you are looking for a great Artistic Nude model, to work with I can recommend her as one to work with.

The image was inspired by the work of Horst P. Horst among others and the idea was to try and show the beauty of the back curves and shapes

I have worked with Holly many times over the last few years and alway enjoy working with her as we alway seem to make great images.

If the print interests you, and you would like to purchase this Print please use this link which takes you to me shop page.  It is available in an A3 version and is printed on Fotospeed paper.

Watch this blog for the next Print-of-the-Month announcement in early November.

Elle Beth – harness top (NSFW)

artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - monochrome image of model elle beth wearing a simple black leather harness and posing towards the camera with a relaxed look with her arm resting on the arm of the chair and on her forward knee
Richard Spurdens Photograhy – Artistic nude photography
artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - monochrome model elle beth wearing a simple black leather harness and posing on a low captains chair- holding her long hair up towards the ceiling and making a strong figure shape
Richard Spurdens Photography – Artistic nude photography
artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - monochrome image of model elle beth wearing a simple black leather harness and posing on a modern metal chair holding her long hair in one hand and the other resting on her knee looking towards the camera
Richard Spurdens Photography – Artistic nude photography
artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - monochrome image model elle beth wearing a simple black leather harness and posing across the edge of a chair with hands on her head and hips to create a strong figure shape
Richard Spurdens Photography – Artistic nude photography

I have worked with model Elle Beth a number of times over the last few years. Elle Beth is a top full time model with lots experience and is good to work with as she is tall and also athletic and works hard to produce great images.

The location for the shoot was the Natural light studio at Weedon Bec. This studio has some great natural light, but also good studio lights if required,

The planning for this shoot was to do several different sets. Some using the natural light others using the studio lights. The location also has some long aerial silks, which we used for the first set. These certainly gave Elle a workout hanging and posing using them.

To give Elle a rest from the athletic posing she had been doing. We decided to use a simple leather harness top that Elle Beth had recently purchase as prop for somthing a bit different to the other sets. I want to create a bit of edgy tension in the shots so I have kept them monochrome.

The shots were all lit with a three-light set up. Starting with a large overhead softbox and then adding two gridded strip softboxes. These were set to each side of the model but slightly behind her to provide a rim light the her figure shape.

Slightly less symmetry in this one. A more relaxed feel and yet still with an edgy feel as Elle again engages with the viewer.

Elle Beth Symmetry

artistic nude photography - artistic nude photographer - monochrome image of model elle beth wearing a simple black leather harness she is placed on the left hand side of the frame and looking directly towards the camera this image is about a simple symetry
Richard Spurdens Photograhy – Artistic nude photography

I liked the symmetry in this front on image there is also I feel a really feeling of tension in the image. This coming from Elle pose and look directly into the lens of the camera. Almost if the subject is awaiting permission to do something.

London views with my Fuji XT-2

A recent trip into London to visit a couple of exhibitions that had interested me gave an opportunity to capture some London views with my Fuji XT-2. There is always interesting Architectural buildings to get shot of and a few street photography opportunities too. London was busy in the usual tourist spots but if you got a few streets away for these areas then there were very few people and some interesting spots to take a view images. Here one of “One Blackfriars” also known as “The Vase” due its shape. It has an alternative name too “The Tummy.” You can see why it has that name from this view.

London views with my Fuji XT-2 – Architecture

travel photography - travel photographer - a street view towards the vase high rise tower in monochrome
Richard Spurdens Photography – London street series – …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/300 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 200

Lots of build work still going on, and this view was made by the row of red lights on the black hoardings. They seem to lead you round together with the other red barrier and yellow lines.

architecture photography - architecture photographer - vertical lines in buildings and sweeps of the roads and lines barriers
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 200

London views – Street opportunities

Obviously the areas busy with the tourist gave some good street photography options. Like this one with the two individuals sat on two stone benches almost mirroring each other as they engage with their phones.

street photography - street photography - two people sat on a stone bench one at each end - both engaged with their phones
Richard Spurdens Photography – London street series – Model: Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/200 sec @ f-3.6 / ISO 200

The three you lads each with a different make of a backpack walking with purpose down the street caught my eye.

street photography - street photographer - walkers with back packs
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/480 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 200

Shop windows always give a different view of the street, this one using a hairdressers interior and with the the window reflections gave a good interior exterior view.

street photography - street photographer - interior product and reflections of the street activity
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 200

These three spotted in Trafalgar square seemed to be in a discussion, but the shadows and space between was seem interesting as was the look on the guys faces at the edge of the image.

street photography - street photographer - trafalgar square people interacting
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/640 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 200

Not sure what the young lady in the purple was looking at but the lady in blue was taking a picture of something whilst the young man with the ice-cream to be looking on.

street photography - street photographer - three young people own space and interactions
Richard Spurdens Photography – London visit street series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/250 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 200

Crossing the Hungerford foot bridge there is an art installation on the railway bridge support that was worth a shot.

street photography - street photographer - hungerford footbridge there is some interesting art instalation on the supporting pillar for the railway bridge
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60 sec @ f-11 / ISO 250

London views – Tate Modern.

One of the locations I like to visit is Tate Modern, there are always good image making opportunities and this sequence is from that location

architecture photography - architecture photographer - the strong lines and angles looking up at one corner of tate modern
Richard Spurdens Photography – London street series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/220 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 200
architecture photography - architecture photographer - the turbine hall at tate modern showing four small groups of people at various point on the vast floor
Richard Spurdens Photography – London street series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/180 sec @ f-2 / ISO 200
street photography - street photographer - tower building activity at the tate, from the ground level
Richard Spurdens Photography – London series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/100 sec @ f-2 / ISO 200
street photography - street photographer - looking down on a lego skyscraper building activity tate modern
Richard Spurdens Photography – London series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/200 sec @ f-2.2 / ISO 200
architecture photography - architecture photographer - strong lines of pillars and the lighting make this a graphic image
Richard Spurdens Photography – London series – Fuji XT-2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60 sec @ f-2 / ISO 200
street photography - street photographer - strong reds and receding blues make a strong graghic image
Richard Spurdens Photography – London series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60 sec @ f-2 / ISO 800
street photography - street photographer - strong reds and receding blues from a large letter e make strong graghic shapes
Richard Spurdens Photography – London series – Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60 sec @ f-2 / ISO 640

The Embankment galleries

Another exhibition space that I often visit is Somerset house and it South wing where the Embankment galleries are situated. This month it was featuring the World Illustration Awards exhibition – showcasing all 200 entries shortlisted for this year’s awards, together with the winners.

travel photography - travel photograher - viewing the exhibition of the world illustration award exhibitiion
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/60 sec @ f-2 / ISO 320

Well worth a visit to see the some interesting and amazing illustration work. This area for comments caught my eye.

Travel Photography - travel Photograher -comments on an exhibition of the world illustration award
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a visit to London Fuji X-T2 Lens: XF18mmF2 R 1/105 sec @ f-2 / ISO 200

Location shoot with Nicole Rayner (NSFW)

Working on location in an old Mill and exploring the floors to find a good location to create some fine Art Nude images. You find a floor with a closed steel door. It’s colour that matches the surrounding brick work. The door also has and some interesting graffiti. The natural light is coming in from the left hand side windows so giving a good directional light. I felt this would be a good location to create some fine art nude images with model

Nicole (Nicole Rayner) Nicole is a great artistic nude model. You just have to shoot there. So here are four fine art nude images shot at this location. The first set of images are with Nicole up close to the door. Using a portrait framing alows the floor boards to be part of the lead in to the figure shapes she is making against the door.

Model: Nicole Rayner
Photographer: Richard Spurdens
Lighting: Natural light
Camera: Canon 5D MkIV fitted with 70-200 f2.8 lens


artistic nude model nicole rayner posing against a red steel door in an old mill location
Richard Spurdens Photography – Red door series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-3.2 / ISO 200

Going to a landscape format gave the wider view and I decided I liked the piller in the framing of the images I also wanted to positioned Nicole so that the message on the door could be read and again that became part of the image.

artistic nude model nicole rayner posing against a red steel door in an old mill location
Richard Spurdens Photography – Red door series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-3.2 / ISO 200
artistic nude model nicole rayner posing against a red steel door in an old mill location
Richard Spurdens Photography – Red door series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-3.2 / ISO 200
artistic nude model nicole rayner posing against a red steel door in an old mill location
Richard Spurdens Photography – Red door series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-3.2 / ISO 200

Ella Rose muse – NSFW.

Here are a few images from a location shoot with the model Ella Rose muse. The location was an old Mill, in which we had access to a few of the empty floors.

Old mill building are filled with history not only in the terms of what was made there. But also of the people and machinery that once worked and ran in these building. A chance to work with the Artistic nude model Ella Rose Muse inside this location dosn’t often come alone. As Ella Rose is from Oxfordshire and dosn’t get up north that often. So when it did it I grabed it.

Model: Ella Rose Muse
Photographer: Richard Spurdens
Lighting: Elinchrom Ranger Quadra and natural light
Camera: Canon 5D MkIV fitted with 70-200 f2.8 lens

The first area we worked in didn’t have very much natural light. I had brought along my Elinchrom Ranger Quadra which I fitted with a soft box. To provide some directional light and also set it up to overpower the low ambient light of the location. This helped to hid the background area which was slightly messy.

First floor location images

Artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - a toned monochrome image using a single side light to illuminate the model fiqure she is leaning back against a steel roof support her right leg is on tip toe and her left leg is bent at the knee she is touch to post with her head and left hand
For this shot and the two below a single flash head fitted with a deep Octa box focued the light on to the model as she posed using the metal support pillers and help to darken the background and remove its distractions
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - a toned moody monochrome image using a single side light to illuminate the model fiqure as she creates a figure shape against the steel roof support post she is kneeing on her left leg and her right leg is bent at the knee with her foot on tip toe she is leaning back on a straight right arm and her left arm is bent at the elbow and rest on her head
Turning to a landscape format gave a nice pool of light surrounding the model on the floor
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - monochrome image using a single side light to illuminate the model fiqure she is seated side on to the camera and her legs are bent at the knees and pointing out towards the light. her head is rest on the steel support post and her head is turned towards the camera and her arms are forming triangles on at her side and the other up to her head

The next set of images where shot on one of the upper floors. Which did have some better natural light to work with.

Upper floor images

artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - colour image of model standing hold a s shape pose in the middle of an empty mill floor windows run down the lhs of the image and the roof support run down the rhs making patterns runing down both sides of the subject
At the time of shooting the upper floors had some nice natural light coming in from the windows so used this location for a central shot of the model with recession coming from the windows and pillars
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - colour image of model standing on one foot and leaning back to create body angles her right arms is held up to her head and her left arm is holding onto the door handle so she can lean backwards her from leg is bend to form a triange - shot against a large metal steel door
The steel fire doors gave some good and interesting textures for Ella to pose against. This shot and the two below are the same door. The natural light is from the windows to the right hand side
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - colour image of nude model leaning against a large textured steel door, she is look over her left should towards the light she is standing on tip toes and is reaching down with her left arm the right arm is bent at the elbow and her hand is resting on that shoulder
The steel fire doors had some great textures and for this one I processed the image to bring out more of the green paints work
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - colour image of nude model lean against the large steel textured door her head is leaning bacxk and she arms are held out at each side resting against the door
The steel fire doors had some great textures and for this one I processed the image to bring out more of the rust and reds in the paints work.

Natural Light shoot with Nicky Phillips

Here are 4 natural light shots with Nicky Philips from a recent studio session in Cleckheaton. I was using Silkwood studios for the first time as it has some large windows which I thought were worth exploring as a light source for some fashion and portait image.

Model: Nicky Phillips
Photographer: Richard Spurdens
Lighting: Natural window light
Camera: Canon 5D MkIV with a EF70-200 f/2.8 II
Outfits: Models own

Having worked with Nicky before I was confident that we would produce some good shots

For this image I used the simple yet beautiful natural light coming from the window to the lhs which was giving some nice soft side light.

portrait photography - portrait photographer -a monochrome natural light portrait of the model nicky she is wearing a blue demin jacket open in a vee shape one eye is hidden by her hair the other is looking directly into the lens
Richard Spurdens Photography – Studio Session with Nicky Philips at Silkwood Studio, …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-4 / ISO 400

Putting Nicky closer in to the window light source gives some nice soft lighting across the body.

portrait photography - portrait photographer -a monochrome natural light image head shot of the model nicky to the window net curtains it is shot on an angle so the curtians are angled at thirty degress and nicky is looking over her should away from the camera and her arms at held tight to her chest
Richard Spurdens Photography – Studio Session with Nicky Philips at Silkwood Studio, …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-4 / ISO 400

Each of the windows had some net curtain material drapped across them so that helped to soften the natural light. By putting Nicky into the window and then angling the camera it produced some nice tension to the image.

For this shot I put Nicky into the corner which allowed light to come from two sources; the window behind and the window to the rhs. I kept this one as a colour version and added a slight colour grading to it

fashion photographer - fashion photography - a natural light colour image of model nicky phillips wearing jeans and a tarten top
Richard Spurdens Photography – Studio Session with Nicky Philips at Silkwood Studio, …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/80 sec @ f-4 / ISO 400

I was pleased with the results we achieved using the natural light, for this section of the shoot.

Printing Images

Having just spent the last two days preparing and printing images for an couple of upcoming exhibitions, I thought I would do a short blog post on why I enjoy seeing the final image in print form. It’s alright seeing the image on the computer screen but you can’t beat seeing the final printed image…

…knowing that it is going to go into a frame and be hung on the gallery wall. to be viewed.

It’s worth all the work in preparing and printing and then mounting the printed images. I always print from Photoshop and once I have sized the image on the canvas I apply some sharpening as the final output stage. The amount can vary but I always check to see the effect the amount of sharpening to the image is having at 100%. Its not easy to know the exact amount but with practice you can usually judge what is the right amount.

Before I do any printing, I always set my monitor to a print calibration profile which I have stored. Having done a lot of research and testing I find that these settings give me the results of what I see on the screen matching what the print output produces. These settings are White point: D55 and intensity: 90 cd/m2

My current printer is an Epson P800 and I am very pleased with the output I get from it. When printing monochrome images, I use the Epson black and white print driver which gives great results for monochrome. (Don’t forget to turn off the “Photoshop manages the colours” setting in the print dialogue).

My current paper choice is Epson Traditional Photopaper Soft Gloss. This has a Fiber Photo Paper Base of 300 gsm. The results from this paper are really good and it produces great results both in colour and also black and white.

A few of the images going to the exhibitions

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - a colour image of dancer alya rose with bent legs and leaning back on her left arm with her right reaching up towards the light
Richard Spurdens Photography – Studio Session with Ayla Rose at The Loft Studio, …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/125 sec @ f-4.5 / ISO 100
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - an interior shot of the model wearing a white trouser suit and floral head piece in the white stair way
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion images from a Walter’s Wardrobe location shoot at Ragley Hall Stylist: Jen Brook Production: Walter’s Wardrobe …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM 1/80 sec @ f-4 / ISO 320
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - a tonned monochrome image artistic nude model Micshkan she is posing in a rock opening, her arms are pushing at the sides and she is nearing on one leg and the other is pointed into the opposite corner. shot on location Guys Cliffe.
Richard Spurdens Photography – Micshkan in the rock opening -Model:X-T2, Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR

2018 review of the year

As the final few days of this year are upon us I thought it was worth taking a bit of time to put together a 2018 review of my year in photography.

A few highlights for the 2018 review of the year were a trip to Rome to join the Fashion Artwise team at a location shoot; a trip toSouthern Ireland to visit the Dingle peninsula; a visit to the Island of Crete to work with Zoi Morgan and her Sirens of Crete event and meeting Rankin.

Also finally getting the chance to work with Ivory Flame, Elle Rose and Nicole Rayner together at a location shoot.

Image from the Fashion Artwise event.

fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at villa giovanelli near rome - the model is crouching down surrounded by hte crimpeleen skirts of the white dress she is look towards the window ltight
Richard Spurdene Photography – fashion image – fashion artwise series – Model: Fuji X-T2, Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR, 1/60sec @ f-2.8


landscape photography - landscape photographer -colour image of the early dawn light shot on the dingle peninsular
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from my visit to Dingle peninsular …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM
artistic nude photographer - artistic nude photography - colour image from location shoot on the island of crete the setting sun light the models figure against a twisted tree model is topless and is wearing a long red skirt lifted to her knee on one leg
Richard Spurdens Photography -Sirens of Crete 2018 at Various Locations, …………Camera Data……….. Model:X-T2 Lens: XF50-140mmF2.8 R LM OIS WR 1/60 sec @ f-6.4 / ISO 200

Studio wise, my studio lease came to an end in October. Trying to find a new studio is a job for next year. But for this 2018 review of the year I have had a productive time in the studio. I have also done quite a number of location shoots too, which offers a different challenge to working in the controlled enviroment of a studio. I have enjoyed the challenges of working on location and learnt a few things too.

There have been chances to work with a number of new creatives again this year and I have enjoyed working with them and together we have created some great images, and also had good fun playing with different light approaches.

New Dancers

New Dancers this year have included: Ayla Rose and Geraldine Bell.
I have also worked with a number of others from previous years including: Elle Beth and Gem as a duo pair, Ivory Flame, Ella Rose and Nicole Rayner and Em Theresa, Pippa Doll and Nicky Philips.

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - Ayla seated on the floor reaching up towards the light from a studio session with Ayla Rose at The Loft Studio.
Richard Spurdens Photography – dance photography series – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/125 sec @ f-5 / ISO 100
dance photographer - dance photography - colour image of dancer leaping up with one leg pointed out straight and the other bent at the knee to make a right angle , he arms are reaching out backward , she is wearing a yellow leotard and is working against a yellow background shot in profile
Richard Spurdens Photography – Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF50mm f/1.8 II 1/125 sec @ f-5.6 / ISO 100

I have continued to enter a few of the uk photo exhibitions focusing on supporting exhibitions running print sections and have gained a number of acceptances into these exhibitions. I’ve also picked up a few awards as well. I was also invited to be a judge at this years PAGB Inter Club Projected Digital Image Championship, which was enjoyable.

I have also supported Walters Wardrobe (Jen Brook) and her couture themed shoots at some great locations. This year I only managed to do two of these great events. The first was a shoot at Belvoir Castle in Leicestershire, (Still I Rise), which featured the designer: Joanne Fleming , with styling by Jen Brook, and MUA: Shara Gray and Livvy Morewood. The models were: Bethany Bennett, Liv Free, Stefanie Nieuwenhuyse, and Ceci Zhang,

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model and the pompom rose head piece
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion Image from a Walter’s Wardrobe location shoot at Belvoir Castle Stylist: Jen Brook Production: Walter’s Wardrobe …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF50mm f/1.8 II 1/40 sec @ f-2.2 / ISO 250
fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at Belvior castle this shot shows the lace design on the cream and white wedding dress
Richard Spurdens Photography – Images from a Walter’s Wardrobe location shoot at Belvoir Castle Stylist: Jen Brook Production: Walter’s Wardrobe …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/30 sec @ f-4 / ISO 400

The second event was (In Bloom) This was with Designer: Rosie Red Corsetry and Couture, with styling by Jen Brook, and Headpiece: CC Millinery Creations Set Desing by Donna Graham, MUA: Sophie Battersby, Olivia Morewood, Rebecca Cordell, Sophie’s MUA/hair assistant: Rachael Doig. The Models for this event included: Lauren Rose McGee, Jaye Hicks, Olivia Harriet, and Leela Tikadar.

fashion photographer - fashion photography - colour image from a fashion shoot at wentworth woodhouse model wearing a pale blue full length ball gown with flowers and leave embriobery on the bodic and sleves she is shot through the room doors
Richard Spurdens Photography – location fashion shoot – Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/60 sec @ f-4.5 / ISO 400
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - a head shot of the model wear a floral head piece.
Richard Spurdens Photography – fashion images from a Walter’s Wardrobe location shoot at Ragley Hall Stylist: Jen Brook Production: Walter’s Wardrobe …………Camera Data……….. Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Lens: EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM 1/80 sec @ f-4.5 / ISO 100

Plinth Shapes (NSFW)

Plinth shapes is a set of images that I have put together to demonstrate how you can use a simple prop to create strong Artistic Nude images. These were all lit with a single studio light fitted with a large soft box.

I have been asked a few times about what is a useful prop to use in the studio to help to create strong Artisit Nude images. One of my favourite items to work with is a rectanglar wooden posing block. I have several of these in the studio which I bring out from time to time when I working with my models.

They can be used in various way to give the model something to pose on but the emphasis has to be on them making strong shapes. You can see some more examples of my use of the posing blocks here. In the first set of images in this post I have used the block flat. So the acting as a long plinth shape. The second set of images I have placed the block at an angle. It  does require the model to be able to make strong figure shapes with their body.  I have also found that it can be
beneficial to just let the model free flow with their posing on the block. It can by very interesting to see how they work on it


Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series -Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6

Angled block Plinth shapes

Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape using a plinth at an angle
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon 50mm 1.2 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 4.0
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape using a plinth at an angle
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 4.0

Lighting: Profoto studio lights
Model: Fawnya Frolic (now retired)

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