Elle Beth – harness top (NSFW)

I have worked with model Elle Beth a number of times over the last few years. Elle Beth is a top full time model with lots experience and is good to work with as she is tall and also athletic and works hard to produce great images.
The location for the shoot was the Natural light studio at Weedon Bec. This studio has some great natural light, but also good studio lights if required,
The planning for this shoot was to do several different sets. Some using the natural light others using the studio lights. The location also has some long aerial silks, which we used for the first set. These certainly gave Elle a workout hanging and posing using them.
To give Elle a rest from the athletic posing she had been doing. We decided to use a simple leather harness top that Elle Beth had recently purchase as prop for somthing a bit different to the other sets. I want to create a bit of edgy tension in the shots so I have kept them monochrome.
The shots were all lit with a three-light set up. Starting with a large overhead softbox and then adding two gridded strip softboxes. These were set to each side of the model but slightly behind her to provide a rim light the her figure shape.
Slightly less symmetry in this one. A more relaxed feel and yet still with an edgy feel as Elle again engages with the viewer.
Elle Beth Symmetry

I liked the symmetry in this front on image there is also I feel a really feeling of tension in the image. This coming from Elle pose and look directly into the lens of the camera. Almost if the subject is awaiting permission to do something.