Outdoor dance with Fanny Müller and Scottish midges

dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer Fanny Muller in a white dress with red flowers patterns
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer in a white dress with red flowers patterns hanging from a tree branch
Fuji GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2 / ISO 100
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dancer seated in a large tree in a white dress with red flowers patterns
Fuji film GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2.5 / ISO 400
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer seated on a large outdoor table
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/125 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 400
portait photography - portrait photographer - head shot amoung the rhododendron flowers
GF110mmF2 R LM WR 1/60 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 1000
dance photographer - dance photography - outdoor dance moves with dancer leaping across the grass in front of the castle house
GF45mmF2.8 R WR 1/125 sec @ f-2.8 / ISO 800
  • Dancer: Fanny Müller
  • Lighting: Natural and Neo I LED light
  • Camera: FujiFilm GFX 50s II
  • Lens: GF45mmF2.8 R WR, GF110mmF2 R LM WR
  • Aperture: f-2.0 – f 2.8
  • Shutter speed: various from 1/60 -1/125 sec
  • ISO: 100 – 1000
  • Outfits: Models own

Here are a few selected images from a trip to Scotland. These image feature the actress, dancer and model Fanny Müller. I have been fortunate to have worked with Fanny a number of times in the past. She is also an Aerial artist, so she features in my Aerial portfolio.

These were all shot in the evening in the castle grounds, as the sun was starting to set. As Fanny is a dancer we went for some dance themed images. So movement pointe shoes and leaps all featured during the session. The whole time outside was challenging as with no wind the Scottish midges out in their thousands. Which made it difficult for the dancer and photographer. But we captured some good images at the location.

Nausicaa – fishnets and leather

A chance came up to work with Nausicaa at the Boardroom studio in Derby. A cool studio location to work in.

Elena aka Nausicaa is based in Central London so when I spotted that she was going to be in Derby, I arranged to work with her. We had a productive shoot and below are a set of images from the first setup.

The lighting set up I chose was a single constant light which I reflected back towards the model with three mirrors. Which gave interesting light pattern shadows behind the model.

As I was shooting in monochrome. The styling of this set Elena chose the fishnets and a black body to go with the leather jacket. Hence the title fishnets and leather.

  • Camera : Fujifilm GFX 50S II
  • Lens: Fujifilm GF110mmF2 R LM WR
  • Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec,
  • Aperture: f-2.8 / ISO 400,
  • Lighting – reflected light

Light painting – fun

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model wearing black underware and fetish chains and straps with lighting swirls around the model lighting swirls around the model using blues purple and white lights wands arouind the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image using a blue light painting wand creating blue swirls around the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model wearing black underware and fetish chains lighting swirls around the model using pink and yellow lights wands around the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image using a yellow light painting wand creating yellow swirls around the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model wearing black underware and fetish chains and straps with lighting swirls around the model lighting swirls around the model using blues and white lights wands arouind the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model wearing orange jackets and body lighting swirls around the model using blues and purple lights wands around the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model wearing orange jackets and body lighting swirls around the model using purple lights wands around the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image of model wearing orange jackets and body lighting swirls around the model using blues and orange lights wands around the model

Light painting Photography - Fashion Photographer - colour image using a blue light painting wand creating blue swirls around the model

  • Model: Amie Boulton
  • Lighting: studio flash and light painting tools
  • Camera: Sony A7R3
  • Lens: 50mm 1.4
  • Aperture: f-11
  • Shutter speed: various from 9 to 23 sec
  • ISO: 200
  • Outfits: Models own

A fun set of Light Painting images with model Amie Boulton shot remotely in the studio with help from Chris Conway. You can see another remote session with Amie by clicking this link.

20 in 2020

2020 a challenging year

Well, what a different and challenging year 2020 has been.

None of us have been unaffected in some way by this global pandemic. Little did we know what was coming in the early part of the year. Shoots and travel were booked and then slowly they were all cancelled as the lockdown came into being across the world.

For all creatives this has been an incredibly challenging time.

Fortunately some enterprising people saw an opportunity to use technology and the web to enable remote shooting and thus image making could take place. With me at home and the models in another part of the world, this was a way to keep producing images during the periods of lockdown.

This certainly enabled me to work with creatives in other countries which would not have been possible in normal times. A few of the images selected here were shot remotely with models/dancers as far away as Denmark. When the restrictions eased mid year, some social distance studio work did take place.

I think I have learnt a little bit about myself during this time. I am more interested in the engagement with people and creatives, then the popularity of my photographs. If people like my work then that is fine, but I am not interested in creating images to be popular.

That would compromise my creativity and my style of image making. I have certainly found a calmness in creating images that I like and not being driven to follow the trend to be popular.

As is often said “Art mirrors life” and aesthetic output reflects on us as people. The twenty images I have selected here are ones where I felt strong connections with the creatives I was working with and reflect my style and values.

Thanks to all the creatives I managed to work with this year and lets hope that 2021 brings a return to a more normal artistic environment. 

fashion photography - fashion photographer -model in her leather jacket leaning against the wall looking at the viewer

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model in her leather jacket looking directly into the camera

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model seated on a chair wearing a black body and black unlaced walking boots

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model laying back on a chair wearing a black body and black unlaced walking boots

Dance Photographer - Dance photography -dancers poppyseed and jasmin who is holding a handstand with her legs at ninety degress and the second is holding her in balance

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dancers poppyseed and jasmin one laying on her back holding the other on her feet above her

Dance Photographer - Dance Photography - monochrome image of dancer Elesha in mid air with front leg bent at ninty degrees and the back leg pointing down her left arm is pointing straight to the right of the image

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model wearing torn jeans caught in mid air pointing out to the side of the her body

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer -model wearing torn jeans doing a leg kick towards the camera

Dance Photographer - Dance Photography - dancer her front leg bent and held on poinet

Dance Photographer - Dance Photography - dancer on a single pointe and has her backleg up and angled

Aerial Arts photographer - Aerial hoop photographer - Aerial Arts photography - Aerial hoop photography - aerialist sitting inside her aerial hoop holding position with feet and back

Aerial Arts photographer - Aerial hoop photographer - Aerial Arts photography - Aerial hoop photography - aerialist hanging from her hoop with her kness as the anchore

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model seated side on looking to her left into the light with her jumper off her shoulder.

Portait Photography - Portrait Photographer - head and shoulders shot with model wear a spiky necklesss

Portait Photography - Portrait Photographer - head shot from the remote shoot with Zoi

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - model wearing a black leather skirt with attitude

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dancer making shapes against the wall lit from the side

Dance Photographer - Dance photography - dancer making shapes against the wall lit from the side

Models/ Dancers: Carla Monaco, Riona Neve, Poppyseed Dancer & Jasmin, Elesha Eden, Natalia, BOou, Ariel Taylor, Amie Boulton, Zoi, Erica Mulkern.

Single light setup with Helen Diaz

Here are a set of four images from a shoot with Helen Diaz shot using a single light setup.

I came across these set of images from a studio session with the UK model Helen Diaz. I might call them a bit of a vintage set as they were from a few years ago. When I was just starting to get into working with models and lighting in a studio-based setting. They stood out in the LR catalogue and I decided to work them up to put into a blog post.

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - featuring a model wearing a white ruffled scalloped jacket using a single light setup

I was initial shooting a portrait session with Helen and was also fortunate to have a very good Makeup Artist to work with on that day. The Makeup Artist also turned out to be a bit of a stylist too, as when we want to shoot some more fashion type looks.

She came up with a white ruffled- scalloped type jacket which looked like it might photographed really well. The result of using that jacket can be seen in this set of images.

I chose to light the set with a single light setup to the righthand side of the model. This consisted of a medium sized beauty dish that was mounted on a stand with a boom arm extension. By putting the light onto the boom arm it moved the model and light away from the background and by careful positioning it warped around the subject and made her and the jacket standout against the dark background.

Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - featuring a model wearing a white ruffled scalloped jacket using a single light setup
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - featuring a model wearing a white ruffled scalloped jacket using a single light setup
Fashion Photography - Fashion Photographer - featuring a model wearing a white ruffled scalloped jacket using a single light setup

I worked with Helen again in the following few years and we produced some more cool images from these shoots as well.

  • MUA: Sonia Parker
  • Location: Studio
  • Lighting: Single medium beauty dish
  • Styling: Sonia Parker
  • Camera: Canon 5D

Plinth Shapes (NSFW)

Plinth shapes is a set of images that I have put together to demonstrate how you can use a simple prop to create strong Artistic Nude images. These were all lit with a single studio light fitted with a large soft box.

I have been asked a few times about what is a useful prop to use in the studio to help to create strong Artisit Nude images. One of my favourite items to work with is a rectanglar wooden posing block. I have several of these in the studio which I bring out from time to time when I working with my models.

They can be used in various way to give the model something to pose on but the emphasis has to be on them making strong shapes. You can see some more examples of my use of the posing blocks here. In the first set of images in this post I have used the block flat. So the acting as a long plinth shape. The second set of images I have placed the block at an angle. It  does require the model to be able to make strong figure shapes with their body.  I have also found that it can be
beneficial to just let the model free flow with their posing on the block. It can by very interesting to see how they work on it


Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series -Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape standing on a plinth
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 5.6

Angled block Plinth shapes

Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape using a plinth at an angle
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon 50mm 1.2 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 4.0
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image showing a stong artistic nude figure shape using a plinth at an angle
Richard Spurdens Photography – artistic nude standing on a plinth series – Canon 5D mk II Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. ISO 100 1/125sec @ f / 4.0

Lighting: Profoto studio lights
Model: Fawnya Frolic (now retired)

Anna Rose

I had not planned to shoot with Anna Rose  (a London based model) and it was only because I had been working the studio the day before and unfortunately or fortunately as it turned out I managed to leave one of my lens at the studio. (True Definition Studio). The owner had phoned me to say he had found my lens and as I need it for the next day I decided to drive back over to Stockport to pick it up.

On arrival I found that there was a studio day on and one of the models was Anna rose and whilst talking with the owner and picking up my lens, it turned that that there was a 1 hour slot available with Anna.

So seeing her I made the decision to do some images with her in that one hour slot. Here are a few of images I shot with her all using the natural light windows of this studio.

The levitation image was a bit of an experiment and is really just some work in progress.

Here is a selection of images we produced in that that short time frame.

First shoot of the year and first post too

My first shoot of the year and my first post of the year too, it seems to have been a long wait to get back to shooting with a model again, in fact it was back in late September that I last shot with a model.

So it was really good to get a chance to work with Lulu Lockhart. When a trip to London came up and Lulu was available for a shoot I booked her I knew Lulu was a good versatile model who could turn her poses to good shapes and expressions, and that proved to be the case.

I tend to use Adrian Pini studio when I am London as is it not too far from where I am usually based, and also its well priced, a reasonable size and Adrian is a good owner and  helpful if you need an assistant. Worth a look if you are wanting a studio when you are in London.

So here are a few of  the images that we produced on the day,  so thank you again Lulu.

Portait Photography - Portrait Photograher - threequarter muted colour image of subject standing up and looking directley towards the camera wearing a white blouse and holding it in the center
Richard Spurdens Photography – Lucy L 6
Portait Photography - Portrait Photograher - colour image of sudject side on looking towards the ligth with both hands holding her shoulder
Richard Spurdens Photography – Lost in thought
Fine Art Nude Photography - Fine Art Nude Photographer - monochrome image of artistic nude model holding a standign pose with net material stretched across her body
Richard Spurdens Photography – Lucy L nets and light

I have now booked Lulu again for later in the year.

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